unBRAKEable Home Invasion Tour comes to Maryland
Dr. Judy Staveley
February 24, 2015
"unBRAKEable Home Invasion Tour comes to Maryland"
Country duo unBRAKEable kicked off their Home Invasion Tour to promote their new country-rock music album, Helluva Love Story. The Platform Magazine team had the pleasure of attending the #38 show hosted by LuAnn Carper Marzicola and Randy Marzicola.
The duo consists of Brian Nutter and Blake Gray, who were recently married. These two newlyweds share a passion for music and of course a deep love for each other. They have been performing private intimate concerts in their fans homes, along with StageIt.com shows, and soon later this year grand concerts. You can download their newest album on ITunes and check out some amazing videos on YouTube. The pair has been focusing on a grassroots approach to building a fan base around the world.
Brian Nutter and Blake Gray perform in Frederick, MD - Private concert Photo Credit: The Platform Magazine
For fans of Keith Urban, Brian Nutter is a familiar face and name after eight years as Urban’s lead guitarist. A native of West Virginia, Nutter studied music education at West Virginia University before moving to Nashville. He’s shared his impressive guitar skills with millions of people around the world.
Blake Gray was already a country music songwriting force and career performer before moving to Nashville in 2007 and meeting her husband in 2012. She signed with a publishing deal to Blue Guitar Music Publishing, Blake has a distinctive songwriting sound.
The invasions tour house concerts began on January 5, 2015 in Harvest, Alabama, and will end on April 30 in Springfield, Louisiana. Blake and Brian will complete four months of almost daily shows across the US.
Blake and Brian will be featured on The Platform Magazine April 2015 Cover with their inspiring story . The fans are excited to follow their journey on their active social media websites! Join in on the fun and share the excitement.
Here are some snippets from Fridays concert in Frederick, MD. To continue to follow their tour and highlights click on their social media sites.
To Follow the Unbrakeable on FB: https://www.facebook.com/unbrakeablemusic
Twitter: https://twitter.com/unbrakeableduo
Featured: Blake Gray, Billy Staveley, Monique Staveley, Dr. Judy Staveley, & Brian Butter Photo Credit: The Platform Magazine
Featured: Blake Gray Country Artist, Mike, Trish Cobb, & Brian Nutter
Photo Credit: The Platform Magazine
Featured: The Platform Magazine Graphic Designer Trish Cobb, CEO / Founder Dr. Judy Staveley, Graphic Artist Monique Staveley
Photo Credit: The Platform Magazine
Monique Modeling the unBrakeable official Tour Shirt
Photo Credit: The Platform Magazine